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Sunday, 28 August 2016

As a kura we attended The GAFE Summit in Auckland for 2 days.  It was full on, we went to 4 workshops per day, listening to and participating in presentations.  We gained some valuable insight into a lot of apps that are available on Google, plus presenters were up with the play on new apps as well. 

Tamariki had to construct a Pepeha using Rakau, then they had to practice saying and pointing to each area of their pepeha and finally use screen castify to record themselves saying it.  If they completed these tasks they had to post to their recording to their blog.

The mana is in the stone!.. Kei roto i te Whare Taonga te kohatu.  This is a huge green stone that is set in a container that has water for tamriki to sprinkle over it so they can see the tino ataahua nga tae that is within.
On the boardwalk, we went through the mangroves to the beach.  It was awesome being able to observe some of the sealife that was happening in the mudflats without actually having to stand in it.  Cool day out with Ruma Tekau ma Toru.  You dudes are the best.

Tino pai kourua, you ran your best and came up trumps, hi ho hi ho its off to Ohaeawai you two go.

And so the banners begin.  We have begun to put our banners together for our Whanau Whakaiti Olympic Games.  Tamariki have thought up their names, designed their banners and created the borders.  Unfortunately kapa haka practice is clashing, so the faithful kaiako have stepped in get the painting done.  


  1. Rumm 13 I am intrigued with the variety of learning experiences Miss Cross has planned for you all. Certainly looks like fun using castify to show yur learnng. Now to look at the individual blogs. It is todays way to be able to share our learning with the world.
    Keep up the awesome learning and sharing.

  2. Hi,
    My name is May.
    I was visiting your class blog and I saw some very good pictures, I wonder if you have thought of taking a video of of them I like the last bit it had also a video.

    Yours sincerely May

  3. Morena Room 13 I'm Isaiah from Mamaku hub at Grey Main School. Looks like you had a good time up there in Auckland I haven't been there before. I like the costumes they are cool. What were the workshops like and how big was the green stone?

  4. kia ora i like that the way you said that about room 13

  5. kia ora i like that the way you said that about room 13

  6. awesome work everyone keep it up
