Tena koutou Whanau
Just wanted to touch base with each and everyone of you to let you know what is happening in regards to our kura. I hope everyone is safe and secure in their bubbles and getting through this lockdown with a few laughs and lots of rest.
At the moment we are waiting for more information from MOE on what Level 3 is going to look like. We have been asked to pass on the following information:
1. If and when we are allowed to open, tamariki of essential workers or tamariki that do not have anyone to care for them at home will be allowed to come to school.
2. If you do not need to send your tamariki to school then please keep them at home and continue with distance learning.
3. Please let me know whether anyone has received the government hard copy school work packs being dispatched around the country.
4. If your child's device is still at school and needs to be dropped off.
5. When staff are allowed on site, I will know whether school devices will be given out to tamariki with no devices (we are still waiting for chargers for some of these).
I hope this helps, but at the moment, the school is NOT open. Please continue with mahi on the class site, which can be accessed through our School Site. Any tamariki that have completed mahi can send it through to me by email
nickola@kaikohewest.school.nz They need to save their mahi to their own 2020 folder in their own drive as well.
Thank you for your time, please feel free to ring or email me at anytime, and also if you have access to google hangouts, I am on their as well, just send through a request and I will accept it. This way I can talk to the tamariki face to face.
Please stay safe inside your bubble and hopefully we will be moving forward shortly.
Nga mihi nui kia koutou.
Whaea Nicki