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Saturday, 16 February 2019

Digital technologies for Ruma Tekau ma Toru with Whaea Deb.
Our tamariki were all hands on with robotics, electronics, minecraft, picmonkey and 3d images.
They all said they would love to do this every day and with the level of engagement evident I think this would be the perfect learning environment for our tamariki.  When we can get enough resources to stock our Makerspace area, I think their inquisitive natures will come to the forefront.
Thank you Whaea Deb for a wonderful day.

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Fantastic visit to the Navy Ship HMS Wellington which was berthed at Opua Wharf.  We were fortunate to be able to see and ask exactly what their role is in keeping our coasts safe and sound.  The tamariki were very enthused to get to the bridge of the ship and sit in the captains chair.  They asked some very pertinent questions and the officers that were showing us around were equally impressed.  Great day had by all.  Big shout out to our whanau Rueben and Matiu, who were also very interested in all the information that we learnt.

A view from the Bridge of the ship

One of the officers that was our guide - very cool.

Coming down the gangway.
Checking out the gym onboard.  The crew also run around the ship starting at the Hangar then off out to where the helicopter lands and back.
Some pretty hefty questioning going on here in the Officers Lounge.

A huge thank you to Opua School for helping us out on Monday.  Your hospitality was so very much appreciated.  YOU ROCK!!!!
The mural is underway.  We have a very dedicated whanau member who has offered to scale the ladder and get our OSH areas done, so tamariki will be engaged in filling in the bottom half of this mural shortly.  Big ups to Whaea Marie for all her awhi - it is looking super fantastic. Will keep everyone updated as we go.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Stay posted for new and up and coming information and tamariki posts that will brighten the day and add another dimension to our learning.  Looking forward to seeing and hearing from all our whanau this year.  
Theme announced for Birmingham Pride 2019

Nau Mai Haere Mai ki te Ruma Tekau ma Toru Blog 2019.  Hari Hou Tou e te Whanau.